Studying and training
Grand Nancy : Study here, shine everywhere!
Grand Nancy stands out as a choice destination for higher education. The diversity of its offerings and the quality of its training make it an ideal choice for study and training. With its renowned university and schools of excellence, it offers first-rate training in a dynamic environment. Students benefit from a setting that combines historical heritage and modernity, as well as a rich and accessible professional network.
10 programmes Erasmus Mundus proposés à l'Université de Lorraine
Mines Nancy, première des écoles d’ingénieurs les plus engagées dans la transition écologique et sociale
L'Atelier SMLXL de l'École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Nancy
Oups !
On a cherché, mais on n'a pas trouvé d'événements selon vos critères...
Oups !
On a cherché, mais on n'a pas trouvé d'événements...
Oups !
Une erreur est survenue...