Grand Nancy Innovation, société d’économie mixte dont la Métropole est cofinanceur, fonctionne comme « un sparring-partner ». Ses dix salariés…
Le Grand Nancy : a place of innovation and opportunity
Grand Nancy, a region of innovation and entrepreneurship, stands out for its dynamic ecosystem and modern infrastructure, ideal for entrepreneurs and companies seeking new opportunities. With privileged access to academic and economic talent and networks, an attractive living environment and entrepreneurial support mechanisms, Grand Nancy offers an environment conducive to innovation and the development of innovative and ambitious projects.
Grand Nancy offers a comprehensive innovation support program for today's and tomorrow's entrepreneurs. Prospecting, advice and follow-up, accommodation at attractive rates, collaborative and festive events, etc.: the region's various players deploy numerous actions to help your projects emerge, mature and flourish. From start-ups to major corporations, everyone finds here a place where ideas can be transformed into successes..
Romain Petit, directeur-général de Grand Nancy Innovation
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Grand Nancy Innovation, société d’économie mixte dont la Métropole est cofinanceur, fonctionne comme « un sparring-partner ». Ses dix salariés…
Freddy Odile, vers l'Infiny et au-delà
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Perfectionner l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) pour obtenir des vues de très haute-fidélité de nos intestins, tel est le graal de ce…
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